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獨創課程  Innovative Course

糖霜蛋糕大師班 - Master Level Royal Icing Cake Decoration Course




Groundbreaking skills and techniques, procedures, and designs that are implemented in world-class level competitions will be shared. These techniques and skills are then refined and concentrated and integrated into Master Level course content. 

Infinite amount of patience and passion are required.  Method and procedures of this course will adopt the actual standards at an international competition level. High degree of perfection, abundant variety of techniques and skills implementations, visibly errorless from all angle, precise structural application and integration, all the fine details are set to be completed with perfection. Leading you to independently complete a finished workpiece that will be recognized by international authoritative competition jury.




Not suitable for beginner


Course Duration


Total working days exceeds 20 days. Each day at least 8 hours of working time. Additional homework will be assigned.


Recipe for Royal Icing


Recipe for Royal Icing is provided

​大師班課程 Masterclass

獨角獸之夢 Unicorn's Dream


大師班 - 獨角獸之夢












若您有興趣參加此課程,課程是有回家作業需要完成的,大該需要約 7~10 天的時間每天在家裡製作 6~8 個小時。










​Master Class - Unicorn Dream

Unicorn Dream is a master class level technique course, the working days are more than 20 days, starting from 8 hours a day, and it may be up to 30 days.

The course will not be completed in one sitting. Each student's individual planning and stage completion progress will be considered. Taiwanese students are required to complete their works within two years, and overseas students are required to complete their works within three years.

This is a Royal Icing cake that took more than six years to create, trying to blend traditional and modern designs and ideas, and hoping to achieve a balance. During the process, I insisted on using only pure white icing and gold embellishment, hoping that the work would present different levels of shades as the light and shadow change over time, and shine with the brilliance that only belongs to that particular moment.

To this day, I still feel that I should and must complete it into a better and more perfect appearance. I hope that in the future, I can have a day when I can achieve perfection for this project work.

To the Late 91-year-old MBE Eddie Spence from Scotland, UK. He dedicated his 71 years of life to Royal Icing and influenced countless cake artists around the world today. With his passing, he has become a star in the sky, and he will always shine brightly in our hearts.


Unicorn's Dream is a work made of Royal Icings and sugar beads. The cake is covered with icing and has no fondant.

The techniques used for the upper layer include high cake coating with icing, round and polygonal shape coating with icing, flat surface coating, and arc surface glazing.

The lower layer is a 12-inch large cake with Royal Icing.

This method prevents gold powder from falling off and oxidation.

Of course, there are infinite overlapping droplines of all kinds.

If you are interested in participating in this course, the course has home assignments to complete, which should take about 7 to 10 days and 6 to 8 hours of work per day at home.
Students who are lucky enough to have completed the PME Royal Icing & Piping Diploma Course at Le Petit Bonheur enjoy preferential prices for this course. In addition, courses such as Phoenix, Temple, Eyes and Ears Deities also gets discount price.

No refunds will be given once the course has begun, regardless of whether the final work is completed.

Taiwanese (Domestic) students should complete this course within two years

Overseas (International) students are required to complete this course within three years

Regardless of whether you are at home or abroad, students don’t need to worry about taking their completed works home with them. I have already completed the test for you.

The upper layer of the cake was lying on the plane seat for a 15-hour flight to Germany, and on the return trip from Germany to Taiwan, it was also lying on a side for 12 hours, completely intact without incident.

The lower-tier 12-inch cake was transported as check-in luggage and was perfectly intact when going back and forth.

Including lying down to go through the security check, the gentleness and attentiveness of the Taiwanese customs officer and the German customs officers made it through safely. That’s right! In this course, you can also learn the packaging and shipping skills for international events. Our experiences and knowledge accumulated over ten years with total costs of over a million dollars for competing in domestic and international competitions will be passed on to students in this course.

Registration requires basic frosting experience and is not suitable for beginners


|   出席證書 Certificate of Course Completion  |


A certificate of course completion will be provided automatically for all our expert level and master level courses. For courses in other levels, certificates are provided only upon requests. Please feel free to ask if you need a certificate.

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