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學生宿舍 Student Dormitory

提供給參加課程的海外或外縣市同學住宿方便   |   報名課程的同時也歡迎預約



學生宿舍位置就在小確幸工作室隔壁公寓,距離步行 1 分鐘內可到達。

房型1 - 單人床 可容納1人

房型2 - 上下舖 可容納2人





  • 每間房間有獨立冷暖空調,床邊小櫃子。

  • 房門設有反鎖,保護隱私。

  • 120V 插座 2 個。

  • 每張床鋪各別附枕頭及毛毯。


  • 廁所洗澡間 (乾濕分離立式洗澡間)。房客需自備盥洗用品及毛巾。

  • 客廳大桌與椅子

  • 熱水壺

  • 微波爐

  • 小烤箱

  • 洗手台



  • 公車站-美美新村站走路約7分鐘(有車抵達台北車站)    


  • 捷運站-徐匯中學捷運站走路約10分鐘



1. 早餐店: 步行1分鐘有中西式五到六間的早餐店。營業時間通常從早上 6:00~ 下午 2:00

2. 餐廳: 麥當勞,肯德基,Starbucks,摩斯漢堡,四海遊龍,還有更多小吃店,夜晚有鹹酥雞

3. 24小時便利商店: 步行1分鐘有萊爾富,全家,7-11

4. 洗衣店: 步行1分鐘有24小時自助式投幣洗衣店


Student Dormitory Information

Le Petit Bonheur Studio’s student’s dormitory is located just less than 1 minute walk from the classroom.

- Student dormitory can be booked during course registration upon requests.

- Please tell us when you wish to check in and how many nights you wish to stay. If rooms are available, then we can continue your room booking process.

Room Facilities:

* Each room has an independent air condition (cold/heat) and a small bedside cabinet

* Each room has a lock inside for your privacy protection.

* 2 plugs of 120V electric outlet

* Each bed has a pillow and a blanket


Public Sharing Facilities:

* Washroom (Toilet and Shower). Room guests are required to bring their own toiletries and towels

* Living room. Table and Chairs.

* Microwave and Toast Oven

* Sink


Public Transportation Information:

Taipei Metro:

1. Zhonghe Xinlu Line (Orange Line) St. Ignatius High School Station, Exit No. 2.

2. Turn left after you come out of the exit.

3. Go straight and turn left into Lane 203, it's between 50 Arashi drink stall and Four Seas Dragon dumpling stall. Go straight down the alley for 6~7 minutes, No. 114 is to your left. Attached plesae find the MRT walking route map for your reference.


Bus stop:

Meimei New Village 11, 39, 662

Zihuali 539

Happy Theatre 11, 221, 225, 229, 232, 264, 662, 704, 306, 39, 39 (night bus), 508, blue 1


Nearby store information:

1. Breakfast: There are at least 5~6 breakfast stores located just couple minutes away from our dorm. Most of them are located on Renmei street. Operating hours usually starts from 6am to 2pm.

2. Restaurants: There is McDonald’s, KFC, Starbucks, MOS Burger, Sihai Yulong Dumpling on Sanhe Road. More restaurants can be found at Wuhua Street which is one block northwest from Renmei Street.

3. Convenience Store: 7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life are on Renmei Street.

4. Laundry: 24 hour self-service laundry store is just 3 minutes walk away.


Should you wish to book our student dormitory, please contact us for further assistance.

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